Friday 10 October 2014

The sunshine vitamin

My daughter and I used to visit this tree when she was in hospital
Day 179
Rest Day. So many running schedules have Fridays and Mondays for cross training, and with the weekend I have up ahead, it seems wise not to buck the trend.

The air smells of wet leaves warmed up by golden October sun. Delicious. It makes you want to pre-book apple tours and pumpkin festivals, but then you remember you're suppose to be looking for work. The sunshine was so inviting I went out on the bike on some errands, tested out my various injuries and atrophies with a brisk walk, then turned my face up to the rays for a dose of the old Vit D. An hour a day is what you need, whether that sun shines or not. I am rather alarmed when my workaholic freelance writer husband sits all day at his desk, moving only to seek sustenance from the kitchen. Part of me is jealous of his focus, but the health blogger and runner in me casts a disapproving glance at his back everytime I get up from my desk (about once every 15 minutes, in truth).
It has been a fine rest day. I have eaten well (outdoors), downed a large amount of beetroot and am now considering a half hour of stretches and chores before making dinner, packing my running rucksack and hitting the hay before 10pm. For reasons I'd rather not dwell on (oh, how freezing will Hampstead Ponds be?)

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