Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Packing them in

A mid week river run
Day 351
A 10-miler, semi tempo run - fluctuating between 8-9 m/m, some cycling

There's a note of desperation in my mileage quota this week. My hip flexors are not loving it. I'd planned to peak at 60m per week before the taper, but circumstances, and a busy Easter weekend on the horizon, suggest that will not be achieved. The after effects of today's ten-mile effort are making themselves known. My left hip and heel are agony and I am droppng with fatigue. Other, less broadcastable symptoms (think pelvic floor and go on from there) are also causing concern. If the legs and body could just make it through one more ten miler, plus about seven on Friday, I'llhjave managed a 52 mile week. I need to find the time for one easy and consistently paced 20 miler before taper time. This feels like a race to the finish line before the start line.

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