Thursday 12 June 2014

Ghrelin gremlins

Feeling like a fat cat

Typical, really. You spend the day talking to Personal Trainers for a piece you're writing about how junk miling, and the subsequent over compensatory carbloading, will not help you lose weight. You listen sagely while they tell you to avoid sugar and keep other carbs to a minimum, then you come home, fail to write a review until 1am, and keep eating biscuits and chocolate to stay awake to meet the deadline. So another night with only three hours sleep, crcuits session this morning on a hangover, much toast, cereal, coffee, sandwiches eaten. The upshot is, raised levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, and no messages getting through to your pigheaded brain to step away from the biscuit tin. So, you may have run your 5k PB yesterday, but today you've mostly fed your face and undone all the good.
The PTs I spoke to today were Suzi Lubuska and Karen Weir. I will write about them. I'm still not happy about about always peppering this blog with 'I" and 'Me'.
Do you think 'you' is better?

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