Friday 26 December 2014

Fuelled by chocolate

On the road - it's Boxing Day
Ponies in the soggy New Forest
An extremely soggy pony
...and a soggier Jane and Ronnie
Day 256

A walk in freezing rain in the New Forest, sinking hock deep in mud and trying, and failing, to clear enormous boggy puddles. Like most of the population, a long walk is needed when sluggish and over fed. Many chocolates eaten.

These days without definition or training merge into each other and you lose sight of what's weekend and what's not. Its funny how every Christmas season follows this pattern, hours roll by and meals are spread and served and demolished; stomachs distend to accommodate more and more; sleep is heavy and dreamless, you wake unrefreshed and it somehow seems normal to replenish the chocolate levels. You long for fresh air, though, however, wet and unwelcoming the midwinter afternoon. Christmas cake and cups of tea, and a huge cold-cut spread. A vow to get back to normal tomorrow.

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