Wednesday, 18 March 2015


Rufus weight traning
Day 337
A recovery run of two miles, to and from the pool, (28 lengths). Cycled up to Forest Hill to godmother's care home.

For weeks I've been vowing to swim weekly; I am indeed a weakly swimmer, but I enjoy the trance like state it puts me in, the weight off my feet, and the challenge every minute of trying to perfect my two strokes (every other length is a mixture: starting boldly in front crawl, elegant while I can keep my head underwater, but once lifting my face to breathe, losing the rhythm and lapsing into awkward breast stroke).
I try not to do 'lady' breast stroke, as if I am worried about my hairdo, instead dunking whole head under every second or third stroke.
All this is achieved at a pace that's faster than the slow lane swimmer, but my style is too inept to be anywhere but the slow lane.
Coming to the shallow end at around length 15, I noticed the person who'd been powering up and down the fast lane when I first arrived. She was a very large woman; obese, in fact. Her shoulders and upper arms were like hams, her bosom and stomach hung and bulged under her capacious swimsuit, she had an apron of stomach that reached to mid thigh.
In the water she had been arrow straight and graceful, non splashy. If I were her, I'd be so proud of my water baby ability. It was sad to see her haul herself up the steps and roll towards the showers, ungainly again. She would not be able to run home, but she is at home in the pool.

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