Wednesday, 25 March 2015

'Do not attempt to promote yourself...'

Up betimes to catch a view
Meanwhile, I'm wondering about colour coding
Day 344
A recovery run: 5m very easy, but up hills to One Tree Hill

Waking with the morning light and being lured out by the sparkly blue sky felt wholesome. I am too tired from yesterday to run fast, but enjoy the gradual warming up (it is very cold still), and the view from One Tree Hill, once I'd puffed up the steps, was, as always, delightful. Then down again, picking up speed to marathon pace for the run home. If only the rest of the day had been so satisfying. I dithered over the one £75 commission I have between me and total unemployment. It is still not written.
Distraction came in the form of my VLM registration letter and magazine. In four short weeks I'll be at the expo, gathering my number and inflating my expectations. Flipping through the magazine I feel a pang of dismay when I see my Green Start pen does not mention my hard-won Good For Age status. There is also a paragraph warning against delusional and fraudulent attempting to access the wrong pen for your speed. Fast Good For Age is reserved for a special place in the Red Start area. My running buddy assures me that we superannuated GFAs will all be together in Green, and that there's a top layer of GFA, withe the speedy prefix, who are 'fast fellas, mostly'. So that cover picture on this blog is somewhat misleading. However, compared to the huge majority of 52 year olds I am fast. Very fast. I will do this.  

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