Sunday 20 April 2014

Easter Feast


Easter Sunday. Easter bunny
Meet Horatio, one of my daughter's bunnies. We did a photoshoot on Good Friday for Easter greetings purposes. I accidentally hit the video button and caught Horatio eating on a loop. Relevant, for today my activities mostly invoved unwrapping foil from chocolate and filling my face with confectionery and other unwholesome delights. Here follows the list of shame:
Breakfast: chocolate croissant, crunch nut cornflakes, Alpen. Chocolate mini eggs (about 5)
Elevenses: cappuccino and toast with Marmite; mini eggs (about 4)
Lunch: potato salad, Greek salad, French bread, cheese, hard boiled egg, crisps, coleslaw, beer; lemon meringue pie (two bowls full). Mini eggs (about 6)
Throughout the afternoon: chocolate cakes and more mini eggs (oh lordy, many more), coffee
In the evening: bread and cheese, some salad, toast, yogurt, tea

My house is full of chocolate. Does it have any place in the serious runner's life? Of course. There's no need to be precious about diet, so long as there aren't too many days like today in the next 328 or so.
Off to eat a nice green leaf before calling it a day.

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