Tuesday 25 November 2014

Between efforts

Day 225
Erik demonstrates rotation

and advises keeping up with the paperwork

This morning's session with Erik: Arm Swings with weights, Battle Rope, Rotation, leg lifts, blades, squats.
A limited performance from me, after a rather sleepless night.
This evening's Kent AC session consisted of 1m warm up, then 4m fast (as possible) then a mile warm down. Followed by a pint and a packet of crisps in the pub.

It's the inbetween that seems so interminable. As the stuffy office day wears on after such a promising start with Erik training, you ask yourself, shall I give it a miss tonight? My plantar fasciitis/peroneal tendonitis is playing up, I promise I'll go home and stretch and eat healthily and grab an early night. However, the hopelessness I feel after an unstimulating seven hours in the office is nicely banished by a hard run with my fellow club members. How can I have even considered ducking out of club night?
However, I've let my tired old muscles stiffen up post interval trainng, while sitting in the pub exchanging marathon stories - such balm for the ambition. After a chat like that I believe I can really knock 13 minutes off my marathon PB on 26 April. I haven't long to improve speed and endurance. Real ale and crisps aren't really going to help.

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