Friday, 13 February 2015

Run tall, run straight and look the world right in the eye....

Get it all into perspective
Day 305
A five mile run with club buddy who's training for a half marathon, then training women up at Greenwich Park for Buggy Runners. Achey thighs from training yesterday - all that hip flexor work - still sleeping badly owing to stress

'I wouldn't have run if you hadn't knocked,' confessed my equally stressed friend when I called this morning at 8.30am. We're all the same in this training game; a bad night, a family row, an unforeseen tax bill, general world weariness...such things are sent to try us, sap our energy, knock us off the  programme. This is why there's safety in numbers, or even just One Other, who's planning that morning run with you. Neither runner wants to let the other down, and so we go. Usually, after about 15 minutes of running, and moaning about whatever it is that's stolen your mojo, the muscles and synapses warm to the running theme and you fall into an easy rhythm of pattering feet, measured breathing, swinging arms; you've forgotten your troubles and the blood is pumping.
Then, when you're gloomily surveying your emails, there's Runner's World with the latest batch of spring Marathon tips 
you're in the zone again, and the raison d'etre of this often rambling training blog becomes clear, once more.

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