Tuesday, 17 February 2015

'Go hard or go home'

Day 309
Team 6 training with Erik, Rebecca and Joan: battle rope, deadlifts on one leg, high knees, chest stretch, blades, bicep curls and shoulder press
Cycling to and from various appointments
Kent AC track 1m warm up, strides, 1600m, 1200m, 800m then 3x400m, each with 200m recoveries, then 1m warm down.

Very tired, after hormonally and husbandly disturbed night, but glad to have gotten through the physical demands of this Tuesday, made more demanding by overnight theatre review and research for an interview with a big shot city type I have tomorrow. However, as Erik said, you have to work hard to achieve the results. Today I have worked hard, so please excuse me as I have more work to do before I sleep.

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