Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Natural light

Get out of the front door, if only to sniff the sarcococca
Day 282

No run today, much to my chagrin. Just walking and stretching. My timetable says Wednesday is recovery run day, but I left it too late

My little running library has quite a few 'vintage' tomes. One I dip into for inspiration and self improvement is John Douillard's Body, Mind & Sport. It's quite ayurvedic, which may or may not appeal. It's great on natural rhythms, and I like the idea of trying to run with Nature's cycles, which means being up and doing with the light, eating most during the day and putting oneself to bed as near 8pm as possible. Suffice to say, I have never lived it. I just like the wholesomeness of the plan.
I missed my recovery run today because my clock's all out of sync, and I am out carousing and drinking tonight. So when does marathon schedule actually start? And why do so many people have parties in January?

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