Monday, 5 January 2015

Jantastic? Not me. Not today

Back to work


Day 266

Rest day, which the fatigued old body took far too seriously, snoozing heavily through the alarm and necessitating an unseemly rush to the current awful workplace. Post Christmas sluggishness manfesting itself in painful inigestion and bloating. Overweight and overwrought.

This, I think, is the first day of the phenomenon called Jantastic. Parkrun buddies are all signed up. I have refrained, because I'm in two minds about announcing mileage and personal goals on social media. The stuff I do announce - the triumphs of Kent AC - seems less focused on me. Yes, I know this blog is all ME ME ME but noone reads it but Me, so it serves as a training diary. Warts and all. Yet I'm easing into a more public declaration of athletic activity, aging and menopausal health. It's frightening. Do I dare?

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